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Essential Guidelines You Must Consider After Cataract Surgery

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Cataract surgery is one of the essential procedures eye surgeons perform when one has cataracts. Since this procedure is straightforward, most patients are allowed to go home a few hours after the operation. However, there are certain precautions and measures they must follow to heal effectively. If you or your loved one is about to undergo this surgery, it is essential to gather information to know what's expected of you after surgery. The procedure may be effective and safe, but the recovery process and period will be determined by what is done after surgery. This article will outline some key things you should know. 

Avoid dust exposure

Irritants like dust can have detrimental effects on your eyes even when you don't have any issues. Now, imagine what will happen if you allow dust, wind, or grime to get into your eyes after cataract surgery. For this reason, it's important to dust and vacuum your home before surgery. This way, you'll avoid exposing your eyes to dust as you recover.

Don't do strenuous tasks

Performing strenuous activities immediately after surgery can cause serious complications. This will slow down the healing process, and even expose you to higher risks in case you fall or something falls on your head. So, until your eye surgeon confirms that you can take part in any activities, you should avoid it at all costs. Hire someone or ask your loved ones to help to avoid issues. Additionally, do not be tempted to drive or swim after surgery.

Do not rub your eyes

Most people are accustomed to rubbing their eyes when they experience any form of irritation in their eyes. This might be harmless before surgery, but it should be avoided after cataract removal. When you rub your eyes, you'll risk developing a nasty infection. Eye experts don't endorse rubbing of the eyes even after recovery. You can use eye drops or painkillers when you feel uncomfortable, then consider seeing the eye doctor when the discomfort persists.

Follow your doctor's directions

Your eye doctor will definitely share key tips you must follow after surgery, particularly when it comes to the medication. The anti-inflammatory and antibiotic eye drops are meant to prevent inflammation and infection after surgery, so be sure to follow the doctor's directions. Consider asking someone to help you if you cannot place the medication into your eyes. Also, talk to your doctor if you experience issues after using the medicine so they can change it or recommend the best way forward.

To learn more about cataract surgery, visit a eye clinic, such as Sabates Eye Centers.
